A denim top and a room full of treasures that are speaking to me- Check back to see what they say!


I decided to post a few teaser pictures of a fashion redo I am working on.  This is truly my passion and now that I have my studio somewhat set up, I just had to answer the voices.  One of the things that I love about this type of project is when it starts to take on a life of its own.  I feel like I am just the helper and the project creates itself.  I have been so inspired by several artists I have seen in Altered Couture magazine.  Rather than be content to look at what others are doing, I decided to give it a try.  Check back in a few days to see the completed work. 

With any luck, a few more art supplies and a bit of warmer weather, I hope to make this a habit.  I can’t wait to experiment with hand dying, fabric paints and transfering print art to fabrics.     
